formazione corsi

ECPARTNERS organizes from 1988 to 2024 several training courses. Hereby only some docs, others on vimeo (needed password)

ECPARTNERS has been organizing professional refresher courses for journalists since 1988 with training credits approved by the journalists' association which it carries out at FAST - Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations and at the Humanitarian Society in offices in various Italian cities. Furthermore, ECPARTNERS organizes training courses for healthcare workers in collaboration with ASST and ASL on the national territory with ECM credits. The topics are different: cybersecurity, fight against fake news, difference between communication and information, how to best communicate with stakeholders, training courses for managing conflict with users, coaching courses, mentoring, mindfulness, in-depth courses on European funds, refresher courses on European research projects in various sectors (Health, Space, Cybersecurity, Fight against fake news, AI and its applications).

ECPARTNERS also collaborates with projects for gender equality and organizes courses on gender equality, activation of projects for inclusion in the workplace.

ECPARTNERS organizes courses within companies to improve internal communication and courses to help companies implement projects co-financed with European funds.

ECPARTNERS has created several training courses for the Northern Italian Representation of the European Commission on research topics, European citizenship, environment, innovation and research.

Dr. Cinzia Boschiero works a lot in Italy and abroad also as a moderator and speaker of training courses for executives and managers; he is also part of the working and teaching group for the Wileurope Talent Program; he organizes public speaking courses and works as a ghost writer also for institutional entities.

Here is a list of some of the training courses activated with various modules from 1988 to today 2024:

  • Course - “Innovation and research: new challenges and solutions for vulnerable people” Innovative Italian and European research projects are presented in this course which aims to highlight innovative cooperation and inclusion projects activated in favor of vulnerable segments of the population (children, women, elderly people, disabled people). It also deals with the topic of gambling addictions and Internet addictions. The course also delves into and informs about communication initiatives and projects and the initiatives of the European networks ERN (European Reference Network) for citizens and associations.
  • Course - Innovation, security and fact checking - New professions and ethical challenges - the course highlights how AI and other technologies are changing rules and use of data, how European projects relating to security and fact checking issues have changed, explains funds and European projects.
  • Course – Green Deal: New challenges for the environment, energy, circular economy, mobility – the course highlights European regulations, projects and funds in the four sectors.
  • Course - Smart Cities, intergenerational cooperation and integration projects - the course explains what the funds are, presents cooperation projects co-financed with European funds and best practices.
  • Course - Art, Design, Tourism - European projects thanks to technological innovation and multimedia - the course explains how to use European funds and presents already implemented projects, provides skills for dissemination activities and transnational cooperation online on issues of valorisation of territorial culture.
  • Course - Humanism and technological innovation: how the world of work and beyond is changing - The course highlights the realities that currently train professionals thanks to new technologies but also with new ethical protocols; how the use of artificial intelligence requires a new intergenerational pact both to identify society's needs and to create projects and start-ups that respond to real well-being. Innovative projects already under construction and European networks for new professions are presented.
  • Course - Social Europe - Economy, pensions and work: regulations and welfare systems - the course informs and trains on the topic of welfare which is often not understood in its social and economic meanings; highlights the funds, the regulations of the various states of the European Union, the community directives, their applications; presents the European projects already activated with funds from the European Commission.
  • Course - Nature and agriculture - European funds, the CAP, food safety projects, protection of Made In, Farm to Fork projects - the course presents regulations and projects created with European funds; initiatives and new professions in the agricultural and food sector.
  • Course - European cohesion funds - The course highlights projects and ways of using the funds, results obtained so far and territorial or management critical issues.
  • Course - The Creative Europe programme: open calls and new opportunities for those working in the creative industries sector - the course highlights the funds, how to participate, how to present a European project, which projects are already co-financed both in the Media and publishing, communication, cinematography and cultural heritage and the culture sector in the broadest sense.
  • Course - Big tech and social media in Europe - The course highlights the most updated data regarding big tech and the influence of social media in various sectors on users and how it has changed marketing and communication; helps consumer associations to understand the technical dynamics and highlights how to adequately analyze the figure of the so-called "influencers"; presents European projects and updated analysis data on methods, content management, innovation and presents various media falsehoods and tools for recognizing fake videos and photos, mystifying and fake texts; European working groups and existing projects; new professions and regulatory protections.
  • Course – European and foreign inequalities in the healthcare sector – the course highlights European data and funds, work of European networks against inequalities in healthcare,Italian and foreign projects, regulations; EuroHealthnet projects; initiatives in other states (e.g. in Africa).
  • Course - Immigration, emigration: integration projects, European and foreign data - the course presents updates on European funds in Africa, European projects; evolvingregulations; case histories and best practices; reality and critical issues; historical data to make us reflect on topics that are as delicate as they are little explored.
  • Course - European identity: which one and why? – the course highlights what has been achieved to date to enhance the European identity, which critical issues, which projects andwhich funds and tenders are open regarding the topic of EU citizenship; historical and current data on current problems of enlargement of the European Union and identityformation in the multi-ethnicity of a changing Europe.
  • Course - From ownership to use - economy of functionality - the course explains funds, tenders, presents data and European projects on the new economy of functionality and against waste in all sectors from fashion to agriculture; the integration of robotics, ICT and existing activities for a new Well-Being; new innovative solutions (services, aids,prototypes etc.) also for the benefit of generations over 60 and vulnerable people.
  • Course - Logistics and mobility - regulations, projects, European funds - the course presents funds, calls for tenders, projects already activated in the transport sector, logistics, mobility in all areas.
  • Course - Space, science and new professions and technologies - the course explains what tenders, projects and funds are in the aerospace sector, the implications and applications of experiments and prototypes in common life, new professions and technologies. The primary role of the scientific journalist as a mediator of quality information in all sectors and networks active in various working fields is highlighted.
  • Course - Integration of sustainability in business management - the course helps to understand funds, tenders, projects and best practices already activated in the European Union and in non-European states; networks and opportunities for cooperation and innovation in SMEs in all sectors.
  • Course – Communicate or Inform? Such as the methods, professions, calls and European opportunities - the course presents communication projects, explains why they are different from information projects and which have been co-financed by the European Commission. It is useful for those who work in contact with the public in various sectors and projects in healthcare and multimedia applied in various sectors are presented; laboratory sessions with ad hoc training are planned to improve one's communication and/or information technique towards citizens.
  • Course - Public speaking - how to speak better in public helps us to know more about ourselves and our peculiarities to be strengthened.
  • Course - Toponymy and gender culture - the course presents toponymy projects to combat the gap between men and women, gender culture projects, funds, calls and European data also relating to LGBT+ issues both in the European Union and abroad.
  • Course – Artificial Intelligence: European and international projects – the course explains which funds, projects and data on the application of Artificial Intelligence are really creating changes in learning, construction and service; Current projects and active transnational research projects are presented.
  • Course - Public communication tools - calls for tenders, funds, European projects and those implemented in other non-European countries.
  • Course - Critical events online and in the territory: Alert, Cybersecurity and press crisis systems - the course highlights projects, funds, press crisis methods, data on PHEIC events and their management in Italy and other countries.
  • Course - Participatory politics: notices, projects, relationship methods - the course presents notices, funds, projects for interventions, actions in the territory that require a participatory policy or management of interaction with citizens, associations etc. ; situations with positive projects and examples of mismanagement are highlighted (e.g. for problems with the installation of wind farms, urban planning projects, road systems, etc.).

Hereby some docs - others videos/slides for other training courses are on Vimeo (password needed for cppyright - to see them contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) e rubrica GRANE E GRANE DALL'UNIONE EUROPEA di Cinzia dr Boschiero link

Prof.ssa Patrizia Brigidi

Dott.ssa Carolina Carosio

Prof. Michele Poerio

Lino Vittorio Muccio


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